Wednesday, June 11, 2014

HAPPY FAMILY : TIPS 3 : Always Obey The Commandment of God...

Always Obey The Commandments of God and to ensure that the family is also compliant to the laws of God.  

As a Muslim of course, the goal of our lives is to ensure always obey God's commandments.

This is a sign of our faith in God. If we do not obey the commandments of God means pronouncement that we say that the testimony can not be accepted by Allah. It must be followed by action to obey the commandments. In daily life we ​​need to be obedient to God's commandments linked to the compulsory; circumcision; should, makruh and haram. I often use the term to five life principles based on Islamic teachings.

Item must be in the bidding can not we disobedience such as   prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage. While illegal must be left entirely like stealing, adultery, gossip, hurts others, lie, cheat, mederhaki parents and others.

Anyway that circumcision was to be adopted as far as possible such as giving charity, helping people in trouble, organize charity work to help the community. Things that should be given to a crash on whether to do it or not, like to eat fish and vegetable-based dishes or food red meat or meat white tipped. Other activity should like to go touring the country or outside the country and so on. The priority for the makroh must leave such as eating a smelly food before going to prayers like petai fruit, garlic and others. Such as smoking also knocking the majority of teachers in Malaysia before saying makroh, should be abandoned, and of course I never smoking.

One of the principles that I hold the lead ship our household has reached the age of 34 years is to ensure that all family members will comply with the ordinance of God in daily life activities get facts well. I, as head of the family should give the example of the wife and kids. My main grip is that we should live according to the commandments of God as prescribed by Islam. Five things prescribed by Islam that must be adhered to; illegal; circumcision; should be disapproved.

I will make sure that must be done in full, and so is left entirely illegal. The circumcision will try to do it all the time when there is an opportunity and need. Things should be a crash either do it or not, while I am not encouraged to try to leave.

If you look at the history of education, I am not educated in the school  of religion.  At the primary school level only national schools (1960-1966) and flow entering Secondary English school for five years. Despite that, I was lucky because my father graduated from religious school and served as a supervisor of Imam and also as Vice Register of Marriages. My father also was a religious teacher who taught at several mosques and madrasas. Such environments allow my life to be educated with a strong religious discipline, especially with regard to the obligatory practices claimed by Islam.

Once  I went to the university, my father and I always discuss, exchange views on issues of economic, political, religious, cultural and other issues that are relevant to everyday life. During the discussion I would lean towards thinking academic based on arguments of economic and social sciences, while the father is more geared to religious thought based on the verses of the Quran and Hadith. Discussion and exchange ideas like this make me more mature in understanding and deepen religious tenets from time to time.

In our family, has become a common practice to take care of their religious duties in everyday life. Practice prayer  emphasis. started morning prayers (subuh),  afternoon prayer ( zohor) , evening prayer (asar), late evening prayer (Maghrib) and night prayer (Isya’) has become customary for me to do it in congregation in the mosque or surau,   most do not pray in congregation with my wife and family at home. However, when the child grew up and have their own careers, they began to busy with his career, leading the prayers bejemaah is quite difficult to do at home, so I focus more on doing the prayer at the mosque.

In order to improve the skills of my wife and children   to read the Quran, I was taught a teacher of the Koran at home with a three times weekly schedule. I am thankful to God who has guided our family  to be a literate person is not an expert  Quran recitation or memorization.

After our children finish their studies in colleges and universities, they began to bring their bows. So I took the initiative to commemorate the children about the need of prayer and obedience of all tenets of the religion, I occasionally use the power of  mobile phone technology advances to remember them through SMS messages. I act periodically send SMS to remember my children  of the importance of prayer in time of urgency. Actions communicate via SMS I am taking this positive progression of my children.

Thank God, that God bless me to continuously obey Islamic teach in order to obey God, was a guide to the wife and kids.

During the period of marriage until today I had never hit my wife, never happened any major crisis, loving relationship   of husband and wife is always raging and happiness always grooming, this is due to my  desire to have the pleasure of God, whether in this world and the hereafter. May God give guidance to our family of faith and our spirit is always inclined to obey the command of Allah. Any how we hear occur the husband hit against wife, to hear news   like this I can not imagine what kind of human being who has a husband which is brutal and violent attitude. Imagine    who loves when a slight error continues to hit with seteruk-severity, sedangan during normal driving husband isterilah place you love, a place of love and nafus melempas sec. Is it fair with little trouble beating him in such a way.

Besides praying, reading the Quran every day has become a routine for me and the wife, and the kids will follow suit read on certain days. With the advancement of technology and digital Quran   Reading Pen  Quran. I was inspired by God to use this tool for influence  way to read the Quran and understand the contents of the Qur'an. The advanced technology are added to the interest of our family to continue to read the Quran.Practice reading the Quran has become a routine agenda by my wife. Now we begin to understand and appreciate the contents of the Quran by using Quran Reader Pen to hear and appreciate the contents of the translation   of Al-Quran which was on record as MP3.  Appreciation of Al-Quran by this method can better understand and be able to avoid feeling sleepy during the hearing. Example do the two of us, God bless now children start is followed soon.

Although we have tried as much as possible in order to please God in our daily life, but as usual we will tested by God. I personally have been tested with several sub-events that could threaten the integrity of our faith and as a devout Muslim religious law on religion.  The human usually would fail when involved with money. If the pattern of our lives for style and demonstrating that we as people have money and high status, would involve spending considerable daily and month, sometimes we spend more than what is obtained in the month, if this happens we have to spend with way of debt either through bank loans, loans from friends or credit card.

It also happen in my life, where I have been using credit cards to cover expenses in the event of deficiency in any one month.  In the nearly 15 years of operating expenditure to meet the needs of family. I owe the credit card more than RM40k. now it is becoming a burden for me to pay the balance of credit card debt that left again at RM15k. Having made ​​negotiations with the bank I have to pay monthly installment of RM500 per month. Now I begin to realize and recognize that a head of the family should have a skill to manage family finances. We must also be careful not to get involved with the practice of usury, in this case I have failed to make money expenses  within monthly budget. Could I face this calamity as well as consideration of God against my sins. Oh God your servant is praying for forgiveness and repent for our mistakes and forgetfulness that disobeyed the orders of Yours. “ Amin Ya Rabil Alamin”

In conclusion, as the head of a family, I always try to do my best to follow all the commandments of God. but the site as a poor man, once we has offense against God's commands. Islam teaches its followers to always repent and return to square one. Indeed Allah is Compassionate and Receiver our forgiveness. When we repented and God will give us forgiveness and considered as a new born baby into the world. How charity God to us.


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